Learn How to Successfully Order Lunch for Your Coworkers

Feeding California Employees Presents Unique Challenges

Getting lunch from a restaurant instead of the usual options can be nice, especially if your coworkers join in. However, ordering it might be difficult since there are multiple factors to keep in mind. Even a slight delay can derail your plans and everyone’s work schedule. Ensure a smooth lunch with the following tips.

Select the Restaurant Carefully

Restaurant selection is important because there are several variables you should consider. Some of these factors include:

These factors can make or break the event, so you will need to choose the establishment carefully. For instance, a sandwich place is perfect for a work-related “neat” lunch, while there is more leeway with a casual lunch. Planning a week in advance can help you choose the best place.

Assemble the Order Early

Ordering itself can be a complex task depending on how many people are involved and if they need their meals to be made in specific ways. You might show your coworkers an Indian cuisine lunch menu Westchester NY, but some might avoid certain ingredients, while others are likely experienced with this food. Share the menu at least a week before and encourage people to submit their choices early so you can assemble the order fast.

Time the Order Correctly

Calling at the perfect time ensures the food arrives promptly and fresh. If you are ordering for a large group or need catering, contact the restaurant days or even weeks before the event. If it is for a smaller group, see how far they can take orders on that day. If possible, avoid short-term orders around usual lunch times (11a.m. to 1p.m.) to prevent errors. Order online since it is easier to list preferences and set a delivery or pickup time.

Eating out for lunch might be a refreshing change of pace, but you need to be careful if you are ordering. Prepare ahead of time and do proper research to arrange a nice meal for everyone.